Matthew 18:4-5
Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me.
GC KIDS exists to partner with parents in planting SEEDS to raise children who love and know Jesus.
We plant SEEDS by cultivating a safe Setting devoted to biblical Education through Evangelism and Discipleship, so children know the Savior.

Weekend Children’s Ministry:

● Saturday: 5:15pm & 7pm & Sunday: 9:15am & 11am

● Nursery – 6th Grade

● Check-in is located on the north side of the Worship Center building at our GC KIDS Resource Center.

Midweek Children’s Ministry: AWANA

● Wednesday: 7-8:30pm

● Nursery – 6th Grade

● Check-in is located on the north side of the Worship Center building at our GC KIDS Resource Center.

● Register HERE

Our ministry is blessed with a GC Kids Resource Center accessible through doors on the left side of the Worship Center. This room is where families go to check-in their children before services and offers parents access to affordable Christ-centered family materials. A Children’s Ministry Coordinator will be available here to welcome new families and answer any questions parents may have.

Safety & Security

Here at Grace Chapel, safety and security are high values throughout Children’s Ministry. The following video addresses the specific measures in place to ensure that your children are in trusted hands whenever they participate in Children’s Ministry activities.
Watch our Safety and Security Video HERE

AWANA 2024-25

GC Kids Bible Reading Plan

Reading the Bible is important for believers of all ages, BIG and SMALL! That's why GC KIDS prepared a special 2025 Bible Reading Plan for your kids! Click the link below to view or download.

We would love for you to join our GC Kids Ministry Team! Click on the blue button below and see what positions we currently have open. We get the privilege and responsibility to minister to hundreds of children every week! So come join us today to spread the life saving and changing message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the next generation!

Contact Information

Amy Wiser

Children’s Ministry Director
(661) 948-0855